In this activity learners will explore the techniques used to balance equations. There will be two teams representing the LHS and RHS of the equation. Each learner will carry a chit containing the single unit, ie "sign+number/variable". The goal is to get all 'x's to one side and all 'y's to the other side. The rule to be followed is that whatever is done on LHS has to done on the RHS. Operations can be performed by requesting for two identical chits from the facilitator. When anyone has cancelling chits, like +2x and -2x, they can come out of the equation. We can keep track how many steps are taken for balancing the equation.

Learning Objective(s)
Scholastic: Algebra, Balancing equations
Skills: Analyzing, Pattern matching, Team-work, Leadership
Materials Needed
Paper chits with signs, numbers and variables written down
#Algebra #BalancingEquations #Analysing #PatternMatching #TeamWork #Leadership #MiddelSchool