In this activity learners will explore using BODMAS for simplifying expressions. There will be four concentric circles drawn on the floor with different colors. The circles should be big enough to allow learners to stand in them. Now each learner will get a chit with a number and a sign. The facilitator will decide the operation associated with each colored circle - add, subtract, multiply, divide. Operations will be performed on the learners standing in the inner most circle. As each circle is opened, starting with the inner most circle, learners carrying the chits will have to perform the operations. Finally, when all circles are opened, a single value can be calculated for the expression.

Learning Objective(s)
Scholastic: BODMAS, Math operations, Opening brackets, expressions
Skills: Team-work, leadership
Materials Needed
Color chalk, paper chits with numbers and signs written down
#BODMAS #MathOperations #OpeningBrackets #Expressions #Teamwork #Leadership #PrepSchool