This is a game for Play shop. We need beads of different colors where each color represents a decimal place ex: Units is red, tens is blue etc. One of the learners will establish a shop selling different items at certain prices. One learner will be a bank who will exchange denominations of money. Other learners will be shoppers and shop keepers. Each learner will get a few beads of the highest denomination each to start with. Each learner will now get a chance to buy, to do that they have to collect the exact change from the bank by exchanging their beads and then go and buy from the shop. Multiple rounds can be played till the learners become familiar..

Learning Objective(s)
Scholastic: Decimal numbers, Place values
Skills: Shopping, Conversation
Materials Needed
Beads of different colors
#DecimalNumbers #PlaceValues #Shopping #Conversation #MiddelSchool